Thursday, November 11, 2010


Without boring you with the anatomy and complexities of the brain, I will as much as possible want to highlight the uniqueness of the human brain and its operations. It’s indeed a wonder.
From research, we have facts that indicate that only about 10-20% of the brain is put to use! That indicates that every invention, every technology that we see today only results from the little portion of the brain we have put to use. The Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Literature and Architecture masterpieces, Scientific Breakthroughs, Electronics, Engineering, Management Principles; all these has been as a result of that little portion of the brain. I can go on to mention all fields of study and professions and still maintain my point of discussion.
This is not to make you use the entire mass of your brain, however it is to make you use considerably more than what you’ve been using.
The story is told of a young lawyer who was dismissed from work because her boss feared she was not ordinary. They couldn’t imagine a normal person could memorise long legal facts and reproduce them with astounding accuracy. This ushers us into talking about the memory.
The memory is in its simplest form defined as the storage capacity of the brain. The difference in the structure of individual brains is not so pronounced. Conversely, the memory capacity seems to differ from one person to the other. We will not deal with the causes of this disparity, however, we will make mention of some things that might affect it.
• Background and Upbringing
• Exposure and Resources
• Habit and Mindset
• Environment
• Diet
• Acquaintances
• Parentage
• Peer influence
• Types of materials Exposed to
• Volume of materials Exposed to

• Study habits
• Opinions
I will however want to deal with opinions here. Other factors will be considered in subsequent blogs. Opinions are basically one’s perspective of events, things, ideas and ideologies. Someone who says ‘I can learn anything in as much as it is written in a book and I can gain access to it.’ will always perform better than the person who says ‘Some things are not meant for me.’ This is the point I want to drive home. This goes beyond positive confession and hopeful professions. It is our mind set- the result we do not proclaim but expect!
Memory comes by learning and relearning. How about the things you have not seen before and are created in your mind? Or maybe even the things you have seen briefly and so suddenly you discover a deep insight to it. This is a wonder! This is one of the functions of the brain- stretching ideas.
With this I bid you welcome to beinspired !
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